Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic procedure which allows a view of the inside of your uterus. It can be performed under general and sometimes local anaesthetic. It is usually a day procedure. It sometimes is combined with taking samples of the uterine lining and this requires a curettage. In many women the cervix may require some opening (dilatation) and it is helpful to take some medication to soften the cervix prior to the procedure. If I think this is likely to be of benefit to you I will discuss this when we book your surgery.

The risks of hysteroscopy are infection, bleeding which is usually light and injury to the wall of the uterus (perforation). This complication is fairly rare and often does not require anything other than observation however on some occasions it will be wise to perform a laparoscopy at the time to check that no other organs were injured.

After hysteroscopy there is mild cramping pain and light bleeding which may take up to 10 days to resolve. Depending upon why we are doing this surgery, I usually contact you 1 week after surgery by phone. If further follow-up is required to check on the outcome of our treatment strategy I would usually suggest seeing you 3 months after surgery.