If we know there is definitely something to do when we perform laparoscopic surgery that will be an operative laparoscopy. Examples will include removing an ovarian cyst, a fallopian tube,(ectopic pregnancy) or an ovary for example.

Because these procedures take longer than a diagnostic procedure and involve moving things around in the abdomen the recovery is slower afterwards. There may be more blood loss and more pain. Sometimes your bowel is slow to get going again and initially your abdomen is distended by the gas inside it.

The extent of what was done and your own response to it will determine how long you remain in hospital. It is still possible for this surgery to be performed as a day case however there is more likelihood you may need to stay in for the night or rarely two. Often if you stay over you will have a drip with intravenous fluids running into your arm until you are eating and drinking normally, perhaps a catheter to keep your bladder empty if you are not likely to be able to get to the toilet easily and you may have a drain if there has been intra-abdominal bleeding. The anaesthetist may provide you with a PCA (patient controlled anaesthesia) button to administer strong pain relief the first night but you will in addition have regular oral medications for pain.

It is normal to have some minor delay in return of your bowel function ,but if this is more than a day or two you may need to take some additional medication for example Movicol.